Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Friday, October 15, 2010

One for the kids!

You can't beat Bendyluticus as a family name. If there is another child in the future, I think "tible" should be a part of their name.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow and Stuff

Dear Friends,

Nothing confirms that you haven't been keeping up with your blog like seeing your last posting was 7 months ago. So much has happened I don't know where to start.

Never mind, let's just start over with this.

Right now as I write there is about 15-20-30 inches (depending on where you measure) and gusting winds that make it not much fun to be outside. I shoveled the walkway and put down some "Blizzard Wizzard" and now I am in the process of re-hunkering down. The cars will have to wait. It is a blizzard out there man... I ain't got nowhere to go and 4 bald tires.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

80's Day

Dee Snider, Twisted Sister. Back left

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Awesomes/Pete and Guy's Bday Party

No, Pete isnt writing this in the third person,  this is the first ever (to my knowledge) guest posting on the Happy Go Lucky Lifeblog7000, courtesy of little brother Andrew.  Julia and I were privileged to join Pete and friends in Glen Burnie for the annual birthday celebration for Pete and Guy.  We managed to see alot of familiar faces (including Charlie!) and meet many really nice people.  The party was chock full of food, drinks and activities, from horseshoes to dunk tanks to bouncy castles.  When it got dark, Guy and the Reesers put on an awesome fireworks show.  After the fireworks, Guy's yard turned into a jam session which was highlighted by the annual performance of "the Awesomes".  Julia was smart enough to bring a camera along so we got video evidence for all of those not fortunate enough to catch them live.  We apologize in advance for the shoddy camerawork, it appears that I had a case of the shakes and Julia had a case of the Turn-the-camera-sideways-es.

First up, The Awesomes performing the INXS song "Never Tear Us Apart" (Julia's Favorite)

The Awesomes sing Tom Petty's "Yer So Bad" (Andrew's Favorite)

The Awesomes sing Death Cab for Cutie's "I'll follow you into the Dark" (Pete shows off pipes)

The Awesomes sing Gloria Gaynor/Cake's "I will survive" (Crowd Favorite)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Record Player, Mothers and A Fat White Guy

First off I would like to give a shout out to all the new mothers out there, Sarah and Wendy you are doing a great job, and et. al. your anonymity is safe with me.... congratulations again.

I can't wait to see them all together.

On to the story-

The Super Yard Sale at my place of employment is one of the biggest things to ever hit the minor league stadium's parking lot that we take over biannually. Because I am a sucker for punishment, I have become one of those people that wakes up at 4am to walk around the event until it is over with a staff t-shirt on (normally 3pm).

This year as well as looking busy, I decided to look for a used record player.

We all have dreams, some of them not as lofty as others. One of my lesser dreams is to start a record collection, and I took a big giant leap into accomplishment when I met a coworker's friend who was selling her record player for $25.

I also nearly recovered an old fashioned Gazelle that could slide under my bed, but didn't fit in my car. I petitioned Janice, who by the way now owns a minivan, and she said yes before she saw a lazyboy that would look real nice in her living room. The lazyboy fit, but the Gazelle had to take a ride to the landfill in a dumpster.

So I brought the record player home with me, and though I knew it needed a new needle, I didn't quite understand how much that would cost. I got the cheapest one The Soundgarden carried for $25. While I was there I decided to buy a couple of records because they have a great selection, and frankly I don't own a single record. I left the store spending about $68.

James Brown's "Hell" and The Danielson Famile's "Fetch The Compass Kids" are officially the first two albums I own. They both get glowing reviews, except that between every song on "Hell" there is an annoying gong sound which goes against the otherwise funky sounds all up in and throughout that album. But back to the story....

So now I have a record player, and a brand new needle. I fumbled with my first attempt at changing the needle and accidentally ripped one of the wires out of the arm, but eventually got three out of four of them plugged back in. Happy with life I rearranged my cabinet to plug the record player into the receiver, when I realized my fancy pants receiver was just too new and dumb to accept phono.

Now I needed to find a receiver and speakers.

I looked on craigslist and found both in one shot for $75. I called the lady, but luckily only got voicemail... so I left her a message. Before she returned my call I remembered that Guy had recently upgraded.

Guy said it would be okay if I took his old receiver and speakers, but that he might have to native-american-give if the situation developed.

Yesterday I called Guy and Dana in front of their house to tell them I was breaking in and stealing some electronics. They should have never given me a spare key.

I found everything and loaded up my car.

With the two large speakers and a receiver in my passenger seat I made my way to Best Buy for some speaker wire. The cheapest I could find was $15.99... and though there has to be a "Better Buy" somewhere else, I went for it.


Me the two speakers, a receiver and the $15.99 speaker wire drove back to my apartment. After parking my car, I grabbed one speaker and brought it to the lobby of my building passing an older drugged up looking red haired woman who was talking to herself.

Then I walked back to my car and said "how ya doing" as a gesture, as well as to see how coherent she was... but received no response.

I got the second speaker out of my car and started walking it back to the lobby and noticed the lady was standing up and looking past me.

I dropped the speaker off in the lobby, went back outside and the lady was mumblescreaming down the street at some "Fat White Guy" and waving an open box cutter.

Because that was a little disturbing I just grabbed the speaker wire and made my way carefully around her and back into the safety of my building. I moved each of the speakers up to my apartment and set them up, and after about 30 minutes returned to my car to get the receiver. She was gone this time and I only hope the "Fat White Guy" is okay.

It took me about an hour before there was sound coming out of one speaker. I don't think this has to do with the receiver, or speakers, but most likely the shoddy needle replacement. Either way I cranked all three of the records I own last night ("Hell" is a doubler) and was so happy that I didn't even think about the $109.24 (I had to use a quarter to hold the needle down) I spent for 1970's technology.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

...And Then Something Magical Happens

You wrote:
"I use Granny Smith apples, but they may be too tart for some people."

You don't think I can take Granny Smith....

I was raised by Granny Smith.

Fuji apples are for slack tongued apple hating saltine eaters. Thanks for the recipe Anonymous.

Back to the original idea, before I was rudely interrupted by my attention to audience participation.

I am a fan of marketing on a higher level, which allows me to watch infomercials with the attention of a kid waiting for his birthday. Nothing is better than watching a guy or girl sell his soul for a plastic or felt product on my 27 inch television screen. If the funds were there I would own at least three home gyms (Chuck Norris's Total Gym, Tony Little's Gazelle, and whatever the heck P90X is).

Another serious downfall of mine is my interest in the celebrity circus. Videos of a shaved head Britney, and mug shots of various fallen stars plague my memory taking out otherwise valuable space in my brain.

These two loves came together when I heard today of the recent fate of my newest favorite telesalesvangelist, Vince Shlomi who allegedly battered a $1,000 prostitute for biting him on the tongue in his $750 a night hotel room at 4am.

It is just too good to be true.

It is nice to see a new psuedo-celebrity get to that all important next level of crazy. Keep it up Sham Wow Guy, I'll still buy whatever you're selling. Billy Mays is a punk.

Friday, March 27, 2009

New Post

Well hello there everybody in the blogiverse, blogging blindly, bellowing out posts so blogtastic that I can't blogpare.

I have been away for a while and frankly it is mostly due to the demon spawn cretins that are my cats.

But enough about them. The two things that killed my blog in accordance with those aforementioned apartment destructors is an unstable internet connection and the fear that my next whim might create another hum drum contest. No more contests.

Unless of course I think of something super-awesome....

I don't have a whole lot to say here, so I'll talk about the weather.

It is 50 something in this lovely city, with infrequent drizzly rain and promise of an even more precipitous weekend. Oh well, at least it isn't volcanoeing, snowing, tornadoing or flooded.

Since I have been gone, there was a historic election on the onset of a major economic collapse and when America flew back from it's honeymoon with what can only be described as the perfect family, we found ourselves wondering whether we were going to be able to return to our consumptuous past or some sort of freaky mutant appropriate future.

Still wondering.

I would indulge in the thought that because I am close to DC I will not be as horribly affected as most of the country, but unfortunately my cholesterol has spiked again and gorging myself isn't even healthy on a personal level. I do have a food processor now, and that thing is the coolest.

I made some pasta sauce yesterday out of onions, garlic, and tomato paste. It was really good, and I have a little more in the fridge.

About halfway through work today a lady from a different department walked by and said "it smells like Subway in here". Then I started to notice onion smells coming from right around my desk, and my one neighbor wasn't around, and the other was out for lunch. I honestly thought it was me for about ten minutes until I saw my manager who sits in the office catty corner to me chomping on some onion rings.

That is officially the only time I have questioned whether or not having a food processor was a good thing. If you don't have and/or use a food processor on a regular basis you are sub 21st century human as far as I am concerned. I wish it was a little bigger, but other than that, I can't complain because it just muderizes healthy type food into small little bits. I am not sure exactly how to make apple sauce, but I have apples and I think if I hold the magic button long enough I will at least end up with the consistency. Add some sugar, cinnamon, maybe and cook it for a while???

Comment if you know please.

I want it smooth, because in my line of thinking, chunky applesauce is for fast food eaters and pacifists. If you ain't spinning blades, you ain't cooking.

So now you're caught up, let's have some fun.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Two Posts In One Day! I must be sick!

And I am!

Luckily the fever has broke, and now my only sickness is that I feel like I should have gone to work today.


New Contest!

Pete's Magical Christmas Contest

I need pictures of strange christmasy things, the stranger the better.

Like a nativity scene with someone waving in front of it, or a christmas wreath tire swing.

or... there are a few people I know that have children at this point and it is fair game to dress your kid like rudolf and have them tow a radio flyer full of presents. In fact, that would probably win.

The contest ends on December 31st, and as usual to the victor comes the t-shirt.

Points will go to originality, effort and photo quality. Only one t-shirt will be made, and ask Julia how special that makes you feel (because I haven't...but I am assuming it does).

Merry Christmas Cat Torment

The Reindeer antlers were too heavy for Harvey's little neck. Though Mel looked great in his Santa hat. Thank you Karleen for the christmas cat helmets, even though they didn't like being in them all that much, they would be proud of the great pictures that came from their discomfort.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Andrew And Julia Show

Saturday just after noon Andrew and Julia visited me in Baltimore. We saw a Baltimore that not many get to see, and it was so fun I didn't take any pictures.

It started off with a little Kitten Laser Tag, which is just about my new favorite thing. Andrew though forgetting to leave the laser by the fireplace like I asked him, excelled at causing the cats to attack each other. Overall he had some good moves, though the cats no longer think that the red light lives in the fireplace and just comes out every once in a while to torment them. (The next morning he wore out the batteries and blamed it on Julia (who I am not sure ever got a turn)... that's my brother).

Next we took the light rail to the inner harbor for a little sight seeing. There was talk of sailing the dragons around the inner harbor, but luckily we decided against it. The water taxi no longer shuttles people to our next destination at this time of the year, so we took a land/road taxi instead and saved ourselves about $18. Our destination... The American Visionary Art Museum. The consensus was that we all had fun, until Andrew and I got hungry and grumpy.

Next we walked over to Little Havana. My favorite thing about Little Havana has always been the shuffleboard table. We played one game against a team of near professionals. The guy that was on Andrew's side scored 8 points in the first two turns against him. I have never been as equally beaten and demoralized. Andrew took the brunt of the beating as he was playing against the best player ever, and so I blame him mostly for the loss... though we were totally outmatched.

After some food, shuffleboard, Golden Tee and pool, we pressed on to watch The Decemberists. I am not familiar with their music, and therefore had only an okay time. Andrew and Julia seemed to like it a whole lot more and because I trust their judgment believe that it was a good show. Thanks Chris for hooking us up with the tickets.

After the show we made our way back to my apartment and made a detour for the ibar. There we bought a pitcher of Yuengling and played some more pool. After finishing the pitcher we walked back over to my apartment.

The next morning we rocked out a little, juggled, played some more cat laser chaser and then went to this cool diner down the street where we had breakfast. I still can't remember the name of it, but if I could I would totally link it!

After breakfast I took them to the train station and they rolled away.

Thank you Andrew and Julia for coming over...I was way too tired to write this yesterday.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008


Since I am feeling a little crazy here at 2:08 in the morning on a Friday night when I have to leave for Dulles in another hour and a half...

It is time to test your readership.

I am figuring there might be an East Coast advantage to this one, but by doing this during the weekend I will be weening out those who are simply slacking at work, and not deeply enthralled with my life and stories. Also it gives a slight fairness if not advantage to my non-office dwelling friends.

So here goes:

The fifth person to text me the secret password will be the winner of a t-shirt, to be created and sent next Wednesday when I get home from my trip to Cali.

Now, having said that, only text messages that come from phone numbers that my phone recognizes are eligible, one entry per phone. Contest ends Sunday at 5:00 West Coast time, just to make it confusing... if 5 text messages are not received- no one wins.

The secret password is: badonkadonk

(misspelled entries will not count, and forfeit senders eligibility in the contest)

(Also, there will be a test to see if you have actually read this... anyone who answers incorrectly forfeits there eligibility in the contest)

Good luck.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A New Low!

This morning I woke up at the normal time and did the normal things until I realized that my shower was not producing warm water. This is the third time in the last 2 months.

Our apartment building is large and has one large hot water heater to cover all 8 of the apartments, and the downstairs retail space. Recently new owners bought the building and have been working to set up some sort of medical establishment (clinic, doctors office, etc.). My property manager seems to think the last two times has been turned off for construction purposes, and apologizes for the warm water not being there.

The last two times this has happened it has lasted two days, all four of which I have slowly and carefully washed myself as well as I could and gotten out miserable. This morning I had had enough and decided not to take a shower.

During the first half of work I formed a far more strange and awesome plan.

At 11:30 I left my job and took my hour lunch break. I drove straight to Glen Burnie to my friends' house. 15 minutes later I unlocked the door to their house, petted Abby until she was super happy, then went straight to the bathroom and took a nice warm shower.

Like a forensic pathologizer I dusted for hair, and finger prints left behind as I finished up...hung my towel on the rack and went back to petting Abby before leaving to go back to work.

The only way they will possibly know is neighbors or the towel. I left the towel purposely on the rack on another towel to hopefully create a little confusion, and I didn't see the neighbor.

They do read my blog occasionally...